Saturday, 23 June 2012

Life goes on

Wow how time flies. I didn't even get to post a YouTube Friday this week, oops! I spent half of my day trying to entertain my family without blowing my top, and the other half trying to change cellphone networks. The former was accomplished. The latter is still going on and has been passed onto the new company's tech team. It shouldn't be that hard. But I know through Paul's work (he's a programmer) that tech things are usually not as straight forward as they appear. So I'm feeling pretty patient on that one. In pregnancy hope news, my boobs are bigger and a bit sore, I'm super tired all the time, I'm constipated, and I feel ill every so often. So I'm hopeful. It is day 30 of my irregular cycle. And everything I just mentioned can also mean PMS for me. So if the Red Monster doesn't come, I will test next weekend. And life will go on.

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